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What an awful disappointment and a let down to her fans! I have read all of Martina's previous books and had been looking forward to reading this book for weeks. From the second chapter on I started to get more and more frustrated with the repetition, meaningless dialogue and feeble 'plot'. Every third or fourth sentence was a repeat of a previous one (with only the wording being rearranged) and made Martina appear as if she just couldn't be bothered with trying to come up with something different. The lack of substance to the book was insulting to the reader - it just seems to be money for old rope to me. Nothing like earlier books such as Ladykiller, Broken and Dangerous Lady which gripped the reader and made you feel you actually cared for the characters in the book. Pull your socks up Martina with Authors like Mark Billingham, Mo Hayder and the like you'll have to do better than this!!


  • Format:10x180 mm
  • Liczba stron:666
  • Oprawa:miękka
  • ISBN-13:9780755328642
  • Data wydania:2008
  • Numer katalogowy:73824

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