Graphic Design Play Book: An Exploration of Visual Thinking.


Graphic Design Play Book: An Exploration of Visual Thinking.

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An entertaining and highly original introduction to graphic design, this beautifully designed book uses puzzles and visual challenges to demonstrate how typography, signage, posters and branding work. Through a series of games and activities, including spot the difference, matching games, drawing and dot-to-dot, readers are introduced to concepts and techniques in an engaging and interactive way. Further explanation and information is provided by solution pages and a glossary, and a loose-leaf section contains stickers, die-cut templates, and coloured paper to help readers complete the activities. Illustrated with typefaces, posters and pictograms by distinguished designers including Otl Aicher, Pierre Di Sciullo, Otto Neurath and Gerd Arntz, the book will be enjoyed both by graphic designers, and anyone interested in finding out more about visual communication.


  • Format:240x170 mm
  • Liczba stron:80
  • ISBN-13:9781786273963
  • Data wydania:20 listopad 2019
  • Numer katalogowy:480198

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